Code Section
18-601 et seq.
Statutory Definition of Illegal Abortion
Provides, supplies, administers drugs or substances to woman, or uses instrument with intent to produce abortion. Partial Birth Abortion: Unlawful except when necessary to save the life of the mother when it is physically endangered
Statutory Definition of Legal Abortion
In first and second trimesters: consultation between licensed M.D. and mother determination by M.D. that abortion is appropriate considering various mental, physical, family factors including circumstances of pregnancy (such as rape or incest). Third trimester: must be necessary to preserve life of mother or fetus and M.D. must consult another corroborating physician.
(a) For the first violation, be subject to professional discipline and be assessed a civil penalty of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000), payable to the board granting such person’s license or certification;
(b) For the second violation, have their license or certification to practice suspended for a period of not less than six (6) months and be assessed a civil penalty of not less than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), payable to the board granting such person’s license or certification; and
(c) For each subsequent violation, have their license or certification to practice revoked and be assessed a civil penalty of not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000), payable to the board granting such person’s license or certification.
Mother must give “informed consent” after information about development of fetus, adoption and other services, risks, etc.; abortion on minor requires written consent of parent unless minor is emancipated, has been given right to self-consent by court, or court finds abortion without consent of parent is in the best interest of the minor, or where medical emergency exists with no time to obtain consent
First trimester: in hospital or properly staffed clinic or physician’s office with arrangements with nearby acute care hospital for complications or emergencies; second trimester: same as first except that procedure must be performed in licensed hospital and in the “best medical interest” of pregnant woman; third trimester: same as second except requires corroboration of consulting M.D. and procedure must be necessary to preserve life of mother or fetus