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Rhode Island Abortion Laws

Code Section
23-4.7-1 to 8; 11-9-18; 23-4.8-1 to 5; 23-4.12-1 to 6

Statutory Definition of Illegal Abortion
(1) Failure to obtain informed consent (unless necessary to preserve life of mother); (2) failure to provide for any fetus born alive; administering to pregnant woman medicine, drug, instrument, etc. with intent to terminate pregnancy. Partial Birth Abortion is unlawful except to save the life of a woman endangered by physical injury when no other medical procedure would suffice, felony for abortionist, mother may not be charged. Partial birth abortion statute found unconstitutional in Rhode Island Medical Society v. Whitehouse

Statutory Definition of Legal Abortion

Physician who violates consent provisions guilty of “unprofessional conduct;” failure to provide medical care for infant born alive: fine up to $5000 and/or imprisonment 5 years; charge of manslaughter if baby dies

Informed written consent after required disclosures unless emergency; if mother under 18 years and unemancipated, parental consent of at least one parent required; court can consent; if married, husband must be notified if reasonably possible by physician or in written statement by woman unless separated or emergency



Inside Rhode Island Abortion Laws